【Book of Huxiang Scholars】Inscription
Text/Xi Tang He Shan
Since Hu Anguo and his son started the Huxiang School, for thousands of years, Huxiang scholars have made great contributions to Chinese culture. Its in the righteousness, economics, rhetoric, literature on behalf of talented people. In modern times, "Hunan talents are half of middle school", or "half of modern Chinese history was written by Hunan people".
Antang Chen Qi was born in the hometown of Confucius, studied in Beijing and Hangzhou, and now lives in Huxiang for a long time.
All these nineteen people are brilliant and self-reliant, their ambitions are filled with heaven and earth, they cannot be taken away at the big festival, when they have morality enough to praise, they have career enough to shake off chaos, advance and retreat are self-sufficient, the wind cannot be swept away, the waves cannot flow, and the body is dead. Rin awe-inspiring, as if in the human world. It has a pure Confucian atmosphere, and it is full of painting paper. Later viewers, it is undoubtedly true that "only Chu has talents and is prosperous in this country".

字季高,一字存,号湘上农人,署名今,谥文襄,湖南湘阴人,清朝大臣,著名湘军将领。一生亲历了湘军平定太平天国、洋务运动、同治陕甘回变、清军收复新疆之战等重要中国历史事件。 宗棠少时屡试不第,功名止于举人,转而留意农事,遍读群书 ,钻研地理舆地、兵法。后竟因此成为清朝后期著名大臣,后在征讨阿古柏时,光绪帝破格敕赐进士,官至东阁大学士、军机大臣,封二等恪靖侯。与曾国藩、李鸿章、张之洞,并称「晚清四大名臣」。



字季高,一字存,号湘上农人,署名今,谥文襄,湖南湘阴人,清朝大臣,著名湘军将领。一生亲历了湘军平定太平天国、洋务运动、同治陕甘回变、清军收复新疆之战等重要中国历史事件。 宗棠少时屡试不第,功名止于举人,转而留意农事,遍读群书,钻研地理舆地、兵法。后竟因此成为清朝后期著名大臣,后在征讨阿古柏时,光绪帝破格敕赐进士,官至东阁大学士、军机大臣,封二等恪靖侯。与曾国藩、李鸿章、张之洞,并称「晚清四大名臣」。